Where Will I Go When I Die?: Understand the Bible and Find Comfort in What it Really Says About God’s Love, Judgment, and Salvation of All

As a Christian, do you fret and grieve over the eternal destiny of your unsaved loved ones? You are not alone. If what you currently understand about an everlasting, fiery torment were wrong, would you want to know more?

The concept of eternal suffering was originally a pagan belief. It was foreign to the early church, which widely accepted the ultimate Salvation of All.

Therefore, the reconciliation of all is not a New Age concept, wishful thinking, or some feel-good platitude. It is a sound Biblical doctrine.

This book explores hundreds of verses that clearly illustrate God’s plan to reconcile all of His creation to Himself. Additionally, it scrutinizes words such as hell, everlasting, fire, judgment, and wrath. These words have long been misinterpreted and misunderstood, resulting in many Christians’ hearts being burdened with unbearable sorrow.

Lastly, you will discover a God of love, mercy, and grace beyond your wildest dreams, or at least beyond your present-day understanding. And the Truth shall make you FREE.

Second only to the gospel, Pastor Beaulieu’s teachings on this subject may be the best “good news” you’ll ever hear.
Kimberly Bowden, Author and Bible Student

A workbook by Rodney Beaulieu accompanies this text and is also available on Amazon. It will aid in your study and further understanding of this important doctrine.

Where Will I Go When I Die?: A Study and Preparation Workbook

This comprehensive workbook will guide students on a deeper understanding of the Salvation of All.

This workbook was created to accompany the textbook entitled, Where Will I Go When I Die? Understand the Bible and Find Comfort in What it Really Says About God’s Love, Judgment, and Salvation of All. Each workbook lesson comprises multiple pages, including plenty of room for your notes, favorite bible verses, key points, and insights and takeaways.

It also includes;

  • 100 Review Questions to Challenge and Edify You,
  • Complete Step – by – Step Instructions to Help You Find, Collect and Organize Information to Create a Plan to Share the Salvation of All, and
  • The Convenience of Having all Your Notes, Scriptures, and Pertinent Information on This Life-Changing Doctrine Located in One Place, at Your Fingertips, for Easy Reference.