12 31 17 Did Peter Ruckman Tell the Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But theTruth PT 2
Peter Ruckmans video was placed into my facebook newsfeed with the hopes that it would be seen
by people who rightly divide the Word of Truth. Here it is for all to see but not without some commentary on what he said
12 17 17 Did Peter Ruckman Tell the Truth the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth So Help Him God
His video was placed into my facebook news feed for all people to see. I want to fulfill that persons wish and show Peter Ruckmans video for all to see. This is not an attack against PR but a defense of the Word of God Rightly Divided.
4 23 17 Let Go Of Your Works
Our normal video failed on Sunday morning. This is a copy of the Facebook video we also create. It is uncut. This is our entire morning service with music and recognizing our on-line family and then the message. If you would like to fast forward through the beginning, please feel free to do so.