12 6 15 Doctrinal Darkness
Christianity has witnessed a tidal wave of apostasy for many years. The effects of the 100’s of translation perversions is now upon us and the only thing that can fix it is Jesus Christ returning and catching the Body of Christ out of here. If the truth offends you, Don’t watch this video.
10 11 15 The Devil’s Playground
How can you fight against the Wiles of the Devil if you don’t know what they are. When I was first saved, I was saved in the midst of the wiles of the devil and had no clue. I feel sorry for people who attended modern day, rock & roll churches. They have no idea what they are involved in.
5 10 15 Water Baptism Dechiphered PT.1
Confusion surrounds this subject. In the name of the father son & Holy Ghost or in the name of Jesus? Should we sprinkle or full immersion? Inside a building or at the local pond or stream? Immediately after Salvation or later at our convenience? God is not the author of confusion.
3 1 15 Peter, Cornelius & the Transition Period PT 2
Learn the outline of the book of Acts from something Paul wrote in the book of Romans. Then look with us at what Peter preached in the house of Cornelius. Did he preach the Gospel of the Grace of God or did he preach what he had been commanded to preach?