9 31 14 My Last Sermon ?
Rom. 4:1-3
In case this is my last sermon, I wanted to give everyone the hope that death is not the end.
8 24 14 Abrahams Faith Works?
Rom. 4:1-3
Abraham’s faith was enough. Enough to satisfy God and be an example of what is necessary for Salvation today. This messages shows us to NOT read more into Abraham’s life then what the Bible reveals about him.
If I didn’t know what I know about the Word of God, I would be confused to. Are we saved by faith, or faith AND works?
8 10 14 The Flesh Stinketh
Rom. 4:1-3
Take a journey with Abraham and learn why Paul asked this question in Romans 4:1 What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?
8 3 14 Got Boasting?
Rom. 3:27-31
Do you really have anything to boast in? Are you that good or righteous? Many groups believe they have the right to boast. Let Paul set you straight on that.
7/27/114 Why Did God Do This?
Rom. 3:25-26
Rom. 3:25 & 26 are pivotal Verses that share the heart of Calvary. How could God be BOTH, just AND the justifier of guilty sinners? This messages explains how God can be both at the same time.
6 22 14 God’s View of Us
Rom. 3:21 – 25
Rom. 3:21 is the first Vs. in the dispensation of Grace. But Now are the two most important words for a Christian. If you are saved you have a But Now in your life. If you are not saved, you don’t not have a But Now and that is not a good place to be.
6/15/14 The Law Led Captive
Rom. 3:21
A speculated Vs of Scripture is Eph. 4:8-10 that Jesus Christ led captivity Captive. This message looks at another angle for this passage other than those in Abrahams bosom.
6/8/14 Soul Sleep?
Rom. 3:19-20
Some believe in soul sleep after death. Some believe in a conscious existence after death. Here are my Biblical reason for a Conscious existence after death.
6/1/14 Hell & Her Appetite
Rom. 3:19-20
Only the King James Bible can give you the proper view of hell. Where it’s located, who goes there and the path they travel to get there. Hell has an insatiable appetite. There are 4 things that never say, it is enough. This messages examines each of those in detail
5/17/14 The Mirror of the Law
Rom. 3:19-20
If keeping the law and obeying the commandments to gain you access into God’s heaven is necessary, then you are in trouble. This message explains 4 things.
5 11 14 Closing Remarks & The Verdict
Rom. 3:10 – 18
God has a testimony concerning man. The conclusion and the verdict to Paul’s accusations do not bode well for Adam’s fallen Children. If you are IN Christ you have nothing to worry about.
5/4/14 Man Judges God
Rom. 3:1-9
Israel has been told that they are no better than the Gentiles. They don’t like this so what do they do? They blame God, accuse God and Judge God for the deplorable condition they find themselves in.
4/27/14 Israel Pleads Innocence
Rom. 2:21 – 29
Has Israel EVER pleased God with their works? Did they ever satisfy the righteous demands of God’s law?
4/20/14 Behold Thou Art Called A Jew
Rom. 2:17 – 20
3 classes of people are scrutinized in Romans 1:18 to 3:20. The Gentile, The self righteous religious moralizer and the Jew. None of them can stand at the bar of God and claim innocence.
2.16.14 Apostasy PT. 4 Calvin & Hobbes Go To a Modern Day Church
Join Calvin & Hobbes on a journey to a modern day Christian Church. Poor Calvin, he gets so confused by what he hears BUT, no worries, he eventually learns that there are not two gospels today, only one and those who preach two gospels from the same pulpit should be avoided at all costs!
2.16.14 Apostasy PT. 4 Calvin & Hobbes Go To a Modern Day Church
Join Calvin & Hobbes on a journey to a modern day Christian Church. Poor Calvin, he gets so confused by what he hears BUT, no worries, he eventually learns that there are not two gospels today, only one and those who preach two gospels from the same pulpit should be avoided at all costs!
2.9.14 Apostasy PT. 2 Perilous Times
1 Tim. 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith… 2 Tim. 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
Paul never thought he wasn’t living in the last days. He always knew he was living in perilous times. We are not looking for the great apostasy. We are in the great apostasy and the
1.26.14 There is No Respect of Persons
Rom. 2:11 says God is not a respecter of persons. Many people believe that God saves people regardless of personality, prestige or position. That’s true! But Rom. 2:11 is saying that God is no respecter of persons in Judgment. The do good’s as well as the evil doers will be judged because both groups thought they could by pass Calvary and present to
1.19.14 Is Predestination True?
Calvinism and Arminianism are two Theological Systems of Biblical Interpretation that are prevalent in Christianity today. They BOTH use Scripture to support their theories but interestingly enough they are BOTH diametrically opposed to each other. How can two systems coming from the same Bible be so different? It’s very simple. They don’t obey 2 Tim. 2:15.
11/24/13 There Are No Atheists!
There is no such thing as an honest atheist. You have to lie to yourself first to be an atheist then you lie to everyone else. Everyone is born into this world believing in God. Someone has to tamper with your brain to be an atheist. Usually that someone thinks they’re smarted that God