4.1.12 Intro to The Complete Armor

You have a battle to fight. You have been equipped to fight it. The armor is yours to take and to have. Take unto you the whole armor of God.

4.8.12 Loins Girt With Truth

Gird up the loins of your mind Peter said. But not just with anything. Gird up the loins of your mind with Truth. to gird up is to be ready. Ready for battle.

4.15.12 Breastplate of Righteousness

The Breastplate of righteousness is the answer to the modern dilemma of righteousness. Is YOUR righteousness enough? That’s the question.

4.22.12 Feet Shod With the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace

The Gospel of Peace. It’s the Gospel that brought your Peace. Therefore being justified by Faith we have peace with God. You can rest in that!

5.13.12 Shield of Faith

The Shield of Faith is Not Your personal faithfulness, It’s not the faith you exercised when you were saved, it’s not someone else’s faith. This video explains what faith, the Shield of Faith is made up of.

The Helmet of Salvation

Do not materialize the armor of God. It’s a spiritual armor. The helmet of salvation explains this the best. You’re salvation is nearer than when you believed. Put on for an helmet, the hope of Salvation.

The Sword of the Spirit

The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. Do you have the Word of God? Do you use the Word of God? 1 Sam. 9:27 Stand thou still that I may shew thee the Word of God.